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作者:烦夫子  更新时间: 2007-11-19   浏览人数:19474  评论:1  

//Image.cpp 98-8-8

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "osm2view.h"
#include "image.h"
#include "global.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;

#define FRAME 50
#define MAX_LENTIMES 2
#define MAX_POINT_PER_CIRCLE 20000
#define MIN_GAP 15
#define LINE_LEN 14 // must be even
#define DEC_COUNT 1 // the times of continuely decreasing
#define MAX_DEN 8 // the max distance between two inflections
#define ERR_MEM 10
#define ERR_FILE 11
#define ERR_BMP 12
#define ERR_PIXEL 13
#define ERR_SIZE 14
#define ERR_UNKNOW 15
#define M_PI 3.1415926

// the current circle and the number of point in current circle
int NumCnt, TotalPoint;
float Skew_K, Dpm_K; //Temp for Adjust Scanor

OutPoint::OutPoint (float _x, float _y)
//First :: Adjust
y = _y * YScale;
x = _x * XScale + y * Skew_K;
//Second :: Logical to World
y *= Dpm_K;
x *= Dpm_K;


Image::Image ()
SizeX = SizeY = NumContour = 0; //图像大小、轮廓数初始化
NumJiDian = NumOrphan = NumHole = 0; //结点、孤立点、孔数初始化
Scale = 0.2; //像素的比例
view = NULL;
P = NULL; //指向像素点数组的指针 白色点

void Image::Flush ()
for (int i = NumContour - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
delete [] CN[i];
delete [] CY[i];
delete [] CX[i];

for (i = 0; i < SizeY; i++)
delete [] P[SizeY - i - 1];
if (SizeY > 0) delete [] P;

Scale = 0.2;
SizeX = SizeY = 0;
NumContour = NumJiDian = NumOrphan = NumHole = 0;
view = NULL;

int Image::LoadCnt (LPSTR Name)
int j, k, Nump;

FILE *cnt = fopen (Name, "rb");
if (!cnt) return ERR_FILE;

fread (&wd, sizeof(WORD), 1, cnt);
SizeX = wd;
fread (&wd, sizeof(WORD), 1, cnt);
SizeY = wd;
fread (&wd, sizeof(WORD), 1, cnt);
DPM = wd;

FitToWindow ();

P = new PACK_IMAGE[SizeY];

for (j = 0; j < SizeY; j++) {
fread (&wd, sizeof(WORD), 1, cnt);
Nump = wd;
//fread (&Nump, sizeof(int), 1, cnt);
P[j] = new PtArray[Nump + 1];
P[j][0].col = Nump; //计算黑点的列数

for (k = 0; k < Nump; k++) {
fread (&wd, sizeof(WORD), 1, cnt);
P[j][k+1].col = wd;
P[j][k+1].order = -1;
//if(pDC) pDC->SetPixel (P[j][k+1].col * Scale, j * Scale, RGB (0, 0, 0));
if(pDC) pDC->SetPixel (j * Scale, P[j][k+1].col * Scale, RGB (0, 0, 0));
fread(&XScale, sizeof(float), 1, cnt);
fread(&YScale, sizeof(float), 1, cnt);
fread(&Skew, sizeof(float), 1, cnt);

fclose (cnt);

return 0;

void Image::SaveBmpToCnt (LPSTR Name)
char *p = strrchr (Name, '.');
if (p != NULL) *p = 0;
strcat (Name, ".PNT");

/* .PNT file format (binary)
(SizeX, SizeY, DPM)
(number of points in first row - int)
(X-coord. of point-1 - int)
(X-coord. of point-n - int)
(number of points in last row - int)
(X-coord. of point-1 - int)
(X-coord. of point-n - int)
(XScale, YScale, Skew)

int j, k, Nump;
WORD wd;

FILE *cnt = fopen (Name, "wb");
if (!cnt) return ;//ERR_FILE

wd = SizeX;
fwrite (&wd, sizeof(WORD), 1, cnt);
wd = SizeY;
fwrite (&wd, sizeof(WORD), 1, cnt);
wd = DPM;
fwrite (&wd, sizeof(WORD), 1, cnt);

for (j = 0; j < SizeY; j++) {
Nump = P[j][0].col;
wd = Nump;
fwrite (&wd, sizeof(WORD), 1, cnt);
for (k = 0; k < Nump; k++) {
wd = P[j][k+1].col;
fwrite (&wd, sizeof(WORD), 1, cnt);

fwrite (&XScale, sizeof(float), 1, cnt);
fwrite (&YScale, sizeof(float), 1, cnt);
fwrite (&Skew, sizeof(float), 1, cnt);

fclose (cnt);

void Image::Transfer (char *PP[], int Start, int Count)
int i, j, k, l, m, index, Ptr, *Buf;

// Temporary store the black pixel in one line
Buf = new int[SizeX];

// Spot erasing 去除沾点
// int SpotPass = 2;
//Gbang Gdadi Guser

if(Gbang == 1)
SpotPass = 0;
DilationPass = 0;

else if(Gdadi == 1)
SpotPass = 1;
DilationPass = 1;

else if(Guser == 1)
for (k = 0; k < SpotPass; k++) {
for (i = 1; i < Count + 1; i++)
for (j = 1; j < SizeX - 1; j++) {
int MeanValue = PP[i-1][j-1] + PP[i-1][j] + PP[i-1][j+1] +
PP[i][j-1] + PP[i][j+1] +
PP[i+1][j-1] + PP[i+1][j] + PP[i+1][j+1];
// If the difference between the point-value and mean-value is
// greater than 0.5, then reverse this point
if (PP[i][j] == BLACK) {
if (MeanValue < 4) PP[i][j] = WHITE;
else {
if (MeanValue > 4) PP[i][j] = BLACK;

// Image dilating 图像膨胀
for (k = 0; k < DilationPass; k++) {
for (i = 1; i < Count - 1; i++)
for (j = 1; j < SizeX - 1; j++) {
if (PP[i][j] == BLACK) {
for (l = -1; l <= 1; l++)
for (m = -1; m <= 1; m++)
if (PP[i+l][j+m] == WHITE)
PP[i+l][j+m] = BLACK + 2;
for (i = 0; i < Count + 2; i++)
for (j = 0; j < SizeX; j++)
if (PP[i][j] == BLACK + 2) PP[i][j] = BLACK;

// Extracting contour: 提取轮廓 在轮廓线模式下处理
// If all of 4-neighbourhood is black then set this point to white
// This process only for the method "OutLine"
if (Method == 0) { //outline
for (i = 1; i < Count + 1; i++)
for (j = 1; j < SizeX - 1; j++) {
if (PP[i][j] == WHITE) {
if (PP[i-1][j] >= BLACK && PP[i][j-1] >= BLACK &&
PP[i+1][j] >= BLACK && PP[i][j+1] >= BLACK)
PP[i][j] = BLACK + 1; // This point will be deleted

if (Count < FRAME - 2) // This is the last block
Count += 2;
for (j = Start - 2, i = 0; i < Count; i++, j++) {
// Scan one line, extract the black point and store it to P
for (k = Ptr = 0; k < SizeX; k++)
if (PP[i][k] == BLACK) Buf[Ptr++] = k;

// The image is displaied inversely 反转显示图像
index = j;
P[index] = new PtArray[Ptr + 1];
// The unit 0 store the number of point, that stored in the structure P
P[index][0].col = Ptr;
for (k = 0; k < Ptr; k++) {
P[index][k+1].col = Buf[k];
P[index][k+1].order = -1;
//if(pDC) pDC->SetPixel (Buf[k] * Scale, index * Scale, RGB (0, 0, 0));
if(pDC) pDC->SetPixel (index * Scale, Buf[k] * Scale, RGB (0, 0, 0));
// Record the number of black points
// total += Ptr;
delete [] Buf;

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