// Text.cpp: implementation of the Text class.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "SoftDraw.h"
#include "Text.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
#define new DEBUG_NEW
// Construction/Destruction
Text::Text (const Object *p) : Object (p)
name = TText;
num = 0;
fdata = new FontData[MAX_CHAR];
TextColor = RGB(0,0,0); //文字颜色
color = TextColor;
//0:忽略, 1:慢笔, 2:慢刀, 3:快笔, 4:快刀, 5:半刀
plottype = 1; //1:Pen 2:HalfCut 4:Cutter
appPath = " ";
Text::~Text ()
Flush ();
delete fdata;
void Text::Flush ()
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < fdata[i].num; j++)
delete fdata[i].s[j].v;
delete fdata[i].s;
num = 0;
void Text::GetStringStroke ()
int k, p;
Vector org;
CString engfile, chnfile;
switch (style.engfont) {
case 0: engfile = "osmeng.shx"; break;
default: return;
switch (style.chnfont) {
case 0: chnfile = "osmchn.shx"; break;
case 1: chnfile = "osms128.shx"; break;
case 2: chnfile = "osmf128.shx"; break;
case 3: chnfile = "osmh128.shx"; break;
case 4: chnfile = "osmk128.shx"; break;
default: return;
FontFile feng, fchn;
if (! feng.Open (appPath + engfile, CFile::modeRead) ||
! fchn.Open (appPath + chnfile, CFile::modeRead)) {
AfxMessageBox ("Not Find Files!");
Flush ();
CalParam ();
k = p = 0;
while (p < string.GetLength ()) {
if (string[p] & 0x80) { // Chinese Char
fchn.GetCharStroke (string.Mid (p, 2), org, fdata[k++]);
p += 2;
else { // English char
switch (string[p]) {
case ' ':
case '\n':
if (style.vertical) {
org.x -= 1.0;
org.y = 0;
else {
org.x = 0;
org.y += 1.0;
case '\r':
feng.GetCharStroke (string.Mid (p, 1), org, fdata[k++]);
if (style.vertical) org.y += 1.0;
else org.x += 1.0;
num = k;
void Text::SetString (const char *p)
ASSERT (strlen (p) <= MAX_CHAR);
string = p;
if (strlen (p) > MAX_CHAR)
string.Delete (MAX_CHAR, strlen(p) - MAX_CHAR);
GetStringStroke ();
void Text::GetStyle (float& h, float& w, float& o, BOOL& v, int& ef, int& cf) const
h = style.height;
w = style.width;
o = style.obliquing;
v = style.vertical;
ef = style.engfont;
cf = style.chnfont;
void Text::SetString (const CString& p)
ASSERT (p.GetLength () <= MAX_CHAR);
string = p;
if (p.GetLength () > MAX_CHAR)
string.Delete (MAX_CHAR, p.GetLength () - MAX_CHAR);
GetStringStroke ();
void Text::SetStyle (float h, float w, float o, BOOL v, int ef, int cf)
style.height = h;// note word height
style.width = w;
style.obliquing = o;
style.vertical = v;
style.engfont = ef;
style.chnfont = cf;
CalParam ();
void Text::SetTextHight(float h)
style.height = h;
CalParam ();
void Text::SetPoint (Vector o, Vector t)
org = o;
tag = t;
if (org == tag)
tag = org + Vector (1, 0);
CalParam ();
GetMinMax ();
void Text::CalParam ()
VectorRun dp;
clip = tan (style.obliquing * PI / 180);
angle = tag - org;
float l = dp.Length (angle);
if (l < MINI) angle = Vector (1, 0);
else angle /= l;
Vector Text::FCtoDC (const Vector& pt, const Vector& porg) const
Vector v;
VectorRun dp;
v.x = pt.x * style.width;
v.y = -pt.y * style.height;
v.x += v.y * clip;
v = dp.Rotate (porg * style.width + v, angle) + org;
return v;
void Text::SetPropText(int ty, int wd, COLORREF c, int grade, float l, float w, int el)
linetype = ty;
linewidth = wd;
color = c;
if (el >= 0 && el <= 5)
plottype = el;
plottype =0;
void Text::GetMinMax ()
VectorRun dp;
MinP = Vector (1000, 1000);
MaxP = Vector (0, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < fdata[i].num; j++)
for (int k = 0; k < fdata[i].s[j].num; k++) {
Vector v = FCtoDC (fdata[i].s[j].v[k], fdata[i].org);
MinP = dp.VMin (MinP, v);
MaxP = dp.VMax (MaxP, v);
long Text::GetSize () const
long s = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < fdata[i].num; j++)
s += fdata[i].s[j].num * sizeof (Vector);
s += fdata[i].num * sizeof (StrokeData);
return sizeof (Text) + s;
void Text::FastDraw (CDC* dc, float scale, DrawMode mode, TransformFunc f) const
COLORREF cc = RGB(0,0,0);
CPen pen(linetype,linewidth,(mode==DNormal)? color : cc),*oldp;
oldp = dc->SelectObject( &pen);
CPoint *p = new CPoint[400];
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < fdata[i].num; j++)
for (int k = 0; k < fdata[i].s[j].num && k<400; k++)
p[k] = f (FCtoDC (fdata[i].s[j].v[k], fdata[i].org)) * scale;
dc->Polyline (p, k);
delete [] p;
void Text::GetString (CString& p) const
p = string;
Object& Text::operator = (const Object& aObject)
ASSERT (name == aObject.name);
Text *p = &((Text&) aObject);
string = p->string;
style = p->style;
org = p->org;
tag = p->tag;
GetStringStroke ();
linetype = aObject.linetype;
color = aObject.color;
linewidth = aObject.linewidth;
plottype = aObject.plottype;
MinP = aObject.MinP;
MaxP = aObject.MaxP;
return *this;
BOOL Text::operator ^ (const Object& aObject)
return FALSE;
BOOL Text::operator == (const Object& aObject)
ASSERT (aObject.name == TText);
Text *p = &((Text&) aObject);
return (string == p->string &&
style.height == p->style.height &&
style.width == p->style.height &&
style.obliquing == p->style.obliquing &&
style.vertical == p->style.vertical &&
style.engfont == p->style.engfont &&
style.chnfont == p->style.chnfont);