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作者:藯蓝づ枫叶  更新时间: 2010-04-06   浏览人数:15925  评论:1  
1.Insole is not put on last correctly. 钉中底位置不正常
2.Cement is not dry.  胶水不够干燥
3.Toe lasting is not right. 前帮不正常
4.Machine is not adjusted correctly.   攀鞋机未调好
5.Vamp length is wrong. 鞋面长度不对
6.The shoe is pulled off to one side.   攀鞋不正歪斜一边
7.The shoe is pulled too hard攀鞋力量太大
.8.The wipers are not adjusted correctly.  攀鞋机扫刀未调好
9.Not enough time dwell. 扫刀时间停留不足
10.The toe shape is not correct.    鞋头角度不对
11.Upper pattern does not fit last correctly. 鞋面不合楦头
12.Side lasting is not tight enough.       腰帮不够紧
13.The shoe is not roughed enough. 打粗不够多
14.The shoe is roughed too much.       打粗太多
15.Pattern has to be corrected. 鞋面板子不对必须修正
16.Shoe is over cemented.       鞋子溢胶
17.Over cement is not being cleaned well enough. 溢胶未整理清洁
18.The shoes are not clean enough.       鞋子清洁度太差
19.The edge is not skived enough   边沿削皮不够
.20.Back height is wrong.     后跟高度不对
21.Not in pairs. 配双不一致
22.Shoes too close together on conveyor.       输送带上鞋子靠得太近
23.The conveyor belt is dirty. 输送带太脏
24.The outsole is not roughed well enough.       大底打粗不够
25.The outsole is not cemented well enough. 大底贴合不良
26.Not cementing insole prooerly for sock lining.       鞋殿与中底贴合不良
27.Sock lining not being pressed correctly. 鞋垫压着不良
28.Back seam is off center crooked not straight.      鞋垫缝线不正歪曲不直
29.Shoes have not improved since last time I was here.    与上次我来时比较鞋子一直未改进30.Stop the line. 停线
31.Reject the shoes.       鞋子不能接受必须剔除
32.Shoes must be repacked鞋子必须翻箱处理
33.Sock stampis not correct.       中底印刷不正确
34.Foxing is too wide vulcanized. 档水沿条太宽
35.Foxing is too narrow vulcanized.   挡水沿条太窄
36.Material is turning color because of too much heat.    材料变色因为温度太高
37.Cooling system is not cold enough冷冻系统温度不够低
38.Heat setter not hot enough.       加硫箱温度不够高
39.Trimming of outsole is not good. 大底修边不良
40.Top dressing does not match color of shoe.      鞋面上之边饰不够配色
41.Roughing is showing above edge of outsole. 鞋面打粗过高
42.Not using light on toe lasting machine.       前帮机未使用指示灯
43.Must not put fininhed shoes on top of each other. 不可积压鞋子
44.Too much toe spring.       鞋头翘度太高
45.Not enough toe spring. 鞋头翘度不足
46.Not enough lasting allowance.       帮脚不足
47.Too much lasting allowance. 帮脚太多
48.Must use plastic clips in eyelet stay for lasting.       攀鞋时应使用塑料鞋眼扣环
49.Top template for  EVA midsole is wrong.      EVA面板不对
50.Heel seat lasting allowance not same on both sides.    后跟帮脚内外腰不一致
51.Difference in height of shell soke in same pair .    档水沿条高度左右不一致
52.Toe lasting machines must be set the same for left & right foot.    左右脚前帮机必须调整一致54.Toe box is too hard. 鞋头太硬
55.Toe box is too soft.     鞋头太软
56.Counter material not being activated. 后套材料未充分生产反应
57.Edge of material  must be stained       材料边沿必须做涂边处理
58.Liguidn toe box can be used to stiffen material .    海苔斩或硬化糊如果鞋子须加头衬能使用于材质较硬的材料
59.Midsole is not tapered skived at toe. 中底未合楦头
60.Insole should be attached with two staples. 中底必须使用两支钉于楦头上
61.Roughing of out sole is not good enough. 大底大粗不够
62.You must use serrated nails.   你必须使用螺纹钉
63.The steel shank is not hard enough铁心不够坚硬
.64.Last are not clean making insied of shoe dirty.       楦头清洁不够使得鞋子内部很脏
65.Topline is too loose on last . 鞋子在楦头上绑得太松
66.Topline is too tight on last.         鞋子在楦头上绑得太紧
67.Toe box is broken.when removing last前港宝破裂
68.Material dust is not removed after lasting . 拉帮后材料上的灰尘应去掉
69.Color of out sole not correct.    大底颜色不对
70.Temperature is too high in dryer making outsole too soft.    烤箱温度太高使得大底变软71.Counter is too soft . 后帮太软
72.Counter is breaking       楦头拔出后后帮破裂
73.Zig zag stitching is shadowing through.    万能车浮印露出


1.        Shoes are not tied correctly鞋子绑得不正确
2.        .2.Sock stamp not correct.   鞋垫印刷不正确
3.        .Color is not correct.
4   Top dressing does not match color of shoe.  颜色不正确破皮或大粗所露出补漆不够配面色
5.Must not put finished shoes on top or each others.
6.Too much toe spring .  不可积压鞋子
10.Shadows are showing through from under neath.       内里阴影显试于鞋面上
11.Toe box is too soft. 前衬太软
12.Toe box is too hard. 前衬太硬
13.Edge of material is not stained well enough材料边沿途边不好
.14.Shape of fore part is not the same in pair.  鞋头要配双形状要一致
15.Shoes are not clean enough. 清洁度不佳
16.Stain on edgh of outsole is not good.      大底涂边不良
17.Lace is wrong. 鞋带不对
18.Qtr lining has wrinkle.       腰身内里皱折
19.Marks are not being cleaned off shoe.    针车记号留于鞋面未清洁
20.Insole is not being cemented correctly for sock lining.    中底与鞋垫粘着不良
21.Sock lining is not cemented correctly鞋垫接着不良
2.Shoe is over roughed.       打粗够高
23.Shoe is over cemented.    溢胶
24.Outsole is too big. 大底太大
25.Outsole is too small.    大底太小
26.Sock lining are not pressed down well enough鞋垫未压着良好
27.Finish of material is too bright.   材料太亮
28.Finish of material is too dull.   材料过于雾面
29.There are two shades of color in this pair..    左右脚色差
30.Using too much paper to stuff shoes 用太多纸撑鞋
31.Cementing sockliner.   插胶上鞋垫
32.Clean bottoms. 大底清洗
33.Machine brush cleaning    电动清洗器
.34.Insert heel pad. 放置后跟垫片
35.Insert sockliner.    放置鞋垫
36.Insert laces.穿鞋带
37.Final inspection.    做后检验
39.Washing shoes   清洗鞋子
40.Placing shoes in box    将鞋子放入鞋盒
41.Counter are too soft    后帮太软
42.Shoes must be reinspect  鞋子必须重新检验过
43.Shoes boxes are dirty and damaged    鞋盒脏又破损
44.Shoes are not dry in the boxes must be dry or mildew will form in transit.    装鞋的盒不够干燥必须使其干燥否则霉会由此而生
45.Top line is wavy because it is not tight on last.    鞋口在拔楦后成波浪状因为攀鞋不够紧46.Cartons are marked wrong.    外箱印刷错误
47.Tickets are mixed up.    挂标混在一起
48.Box is too small.    盒子太小
49.Shoes must be tied together.    鞋子必须要绑在一起
50.Shade of color on heel does not match upper.      包跟皮料与斜面皮料颜色不合
51.Top lift nails are not in deep enough.    天皮钉钉得不够深入
52.Folding of boxes is not good enough.    盒子折得不够好
53.Weight of box is not as specified.    盒子的材质与所要求的规格不符
54.Perf holes are not all cleaned out.    冲孔没能完全冲得干净
55.Threads are not being trimmed good enough.    线及线头未能修饰整齐
56.Stitch per inch is not correct on outsole.    大底的针距不正确
57.Everything is being put into the box good and bad.    所有的东西嘟放入盒子中不管是好的还是坏的没有经过挑选

Regarding the suggestion for the tongue.We agree that the feeling is a little weak. And we also think that you can go ahead and try with the 6mm KFF. Please change accordingly on the CFS, but since you will be the first to see the new samples, please make sure that 6mm is not too much and that the tongue doesn't get too thick. If so, we have to try with thinner sponge.
Re: eyelets:We have now walked around in some STOCKHOLM SMS, STYLE-0, for a while herein Sweden and we have found one problem. Since the bottom eyelets are at the flex point, the eyelets does damage the leather when the shoes are used. We therefore suggest to take away the bottom eyelets and just use a hole, 3.5mm without instead of the bottom eyelet. Please use this construction for the CFS for us to confirm
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